
Results of a sociological survey: "Study of the Master Kit’s impact on users’ social quality"

A person is a subject of social life and a social being. He cannot exist outside society. A person influences society and society influences him as well. A person's achievements in his personal life and career depend on how a person socially adapts. His personal social qualities have a direct impact on this adaptation. Social activity, worldview, social identification, self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence are some critical social qualities of people. 

Self-esteem is the ability to adequately assess yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses. Many Russian and foreign scientists have studied self-esteem (W. James, Z. Freud, C. Rogers, K. Levin, B. G. Ananev, S. L. Rubinstein, L. I. Bozhovich, M. S. Neimark, L.S. Slavina, E.A. Serebryakova, and others).

The plethora of definitions of self-assessment can be divided into three groups. The first group includes studies where self-esteem is considered a component of self-concept, a sense of approval or disapproval, and a sense of self-acceptance or self-rejection. Self-esteem here acts as a subject's emotional and values-based attitude to himself. The second group of definitions includes those that consider self-esteem as a correspondence between the real and ideal "I". The higher the distance is, the lower self-esteem is and, conversely, the closer the connection between the two "I", the higher the self-esteem is. The third group includes works that emphasize the evaluative aspect and consider self-assessment as a certain level of self-attitude and self-knowledge.

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Сагдиева Эльвина Азадовна

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